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As many residents enter another week of physical distancing and remote work, Kanata North councillor Jenna Sudds took to Facebook Live to share her observations – and optimism – of how the business community is continuing to push forward during this time of uncertainty.

Sudds was joined by Jamie Petten, president and executive director of the Kanata North Business Association, who offered an overview of how both large and small companies in the tech park are adapting during the COVID-19 outbreak.

“Amidst uncertainty, some companies are busier than they expected,” Petten told viewers, pointing to the strong cohort of telecommunication businesses in Kanata North. “Others are pivoting and innovating to adjust to new needs.”

Sudds and Petten went on to share several anecdotes about local employers giving back to their community, such as Solace donating $5,000 to the Kanata North Food Cupboard and the University of Ottawa creating medical face shields at its Kanata campus.

“There is a sincere sense of pride to see our companies want to make an impact,” said Petten, who recently helped launch the KNBA’s own #ShopLocal campaign to help affected businesses.

Sudds and Petten also highlighted that many Kanata North companies are still hiring, as many local businesses are considered essential services. Companies such as Wind River and CENGN are actively recruiting employees, underscoring the community’s strength and durability that will see it through the current challenges, Petten said.

“We have experience in being resilient during ups and downs,” she added. “Our talent has endured and weathered storms in the past, and will continue to do so.”

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